
Hi there! Welcome to my corner of the Internet. I’m Anton Hristov and I created this website to share with you what I learn on my life journey of building a better future for all of us. I invite you to explore with me how technological progress can transform our education system, healthcare, food supply, energy generation, and way of life on Earth and in Space. Along the way I hope to inspire you, my fellow human, to dream big, think for the long-term, and find your way to contribute to society so that we can, collectively, advance our human potential and move humanity forward.

A little more about myself. I’m an engineer at heart and a product person by trade. I have over 10 years of experience building products and teams across startups and enterprises in the software development and digital marketing space. I really enjoy working at the intersection of people, technology, and design. I also love deriving insight from data and helping people realize their full potential, which is reflected upon the products I help bring to live.

I live in the Boston area and grew up in Bulgaria. I studied computer science and business administration at the American University in Bulgaria. If there’s one thing I wish I did differently in college, it is to study more math. So, you can guess what I’m doing now… :-)

My values include:

  • Simplicity - beautiful is better than ugly, simple is better than complex.
  • Speed - don’t let perfection get in the way of progress. The sooner you ship, the faster you will learn.
  • Integrity - do the right thing and be equally honest - mentally, physically, spiritually - with yourself and others.
  • Openness - be open to new ideas, beliefs, approaches, and always default to transparency.
  • Diversity - be different and celebrate diversity in identity, belief, background, thought, and experience.

© 2016-2024 Anton Hristov, all rights reserved.

Handcrafted using Gatsby, React, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. Living on Azure Static Web Apps.